Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's a good jazz dance bag and what should I put in it?

I do jazz dance, ONLY jazz dance, so what should I keep in my bag? All the things I can find are for pointe. What should I keep in it for rehearsals, and what's a good bag?|||Make-up, bobby pins, ponytail holders, jazz shoes, and your costume, of course! Perhaps some change or your cell phone in case you need to make calls. From my own experience in jazz, you really don't need to bring very much stuff with you!! Though it all depends on the group you dance with.

Best of luck!!!|||Any bag will work as a dance bag and you only need to put in it whatever YOU use for class. I used to use a small duffel bag as my dance bag. I kept my shoes, any music needed for class, a towel and water.

Unless you teacher tells you specifically what you need for class you can put whatever you want in there. Any duffel bag, over the shoulder bag, backpack etc will work.|||any bag will work for a jazz dance bag i use my ballet bag by capezio but you can use any bag you like. i would keep your jazz shoes, a pair of feet undies (if you use them), socks, hair elastics and bobby pins, hairspray, bandaids (for blisters, etc.)

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